ロードマッピング手法は,元々はケンブリッジ大学で考案されたロードマップを作成する未来構想手法で,多くの企業,大学を含む公的組織で使用されています.この授業では,ご自身の研究のロードマップを,演習を通して作成します.研究は学術的な位置づけに加え,社会における位置づけが必要です.研究ロードマッピングにより,自分の研究と,社会との関りを戦略的・俯瞰的に考え,将来にわたる研究の流れを可視化し,未来志向的な視点を身につけることができます.また,研究の全体像を他人に説明することで,研究に対する指摘を受け,気づきを得ることができます.ロードマッピング手法を身に着けることで,研究だけではなく,ロードマップを使用した様々な計画作成ができるようになります. ※この授業は,演習を主とする授業です.英語で実施され,日本語のスライドを併用します.最終プレゼンテーションは英語で行います.
The roadmapping method, originally developed at Cambridge University, is a future visioning method to create roadmaps and is used by many companies and public organizations including universities. In this class, you will create a roadmap for your research through exercises. Research needs to be positioned in society as well as in academia. By research roadmapping, you can think strategically and from a comprehensive and panoramic view of your research about the relationship between your research and society, visualize the flow of your research in the future, and acquire a future-oriented viewpoint. In addition, by explaining the overall picture of your research to others, you can receive suggestions and gain insight into your research. By acquiring the roadmapping method, you will be able to make various plans using roadmaps, not only for research. *This class will be offered mainly in the form of individual workshops. It will be delivered in English and English slides will be provided, with Japanese slides additionally. Students are required to make their final presentations in English.